
Long-Time Sexual Medicine For Men

An enduring desire for sexual pleasure is usually a recurring concern among men. Long-time sexual medicine deals with problems such as premature ejaculation (PE) and others that can diminish sexual stamina. It includes topical treatments, oral medications, behavioral techniques, and psychological counseling for enhancing control and satisfaction for a better sexual experience. Instead of emphasizing duration, long-time sexual medicine primarily focuses on improving sexual well-being in general and treating such concerns’ causes.

1. Topical Treatments: Local Instruments for Greater Control

Topical anesthetics usually consist of lidocaine or prilocaine creams and sprays for reduced sensitivity to help delay ejaculation. Maxman Cream improves blood flow and enhances sensitivity. Regardless of the discrepancies in mode of action, these creams are made for localized effect. The treatments numb the nerve endings in the penis, allowing for temporary control. It can be applied a few minutes before sexual intercourse. These options are advantageous because they provide positive and temporary effects. However, they do not address underlying psychological or physical causes.

2. Oral Medications: Treating Physical Factors

Several oral medications are involved in long-term sexual medicine. They include:

1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors:

As the name implies, this kind of medication inhibits serotonin reuptake, and some of which, like dapoxetine are classified as antidepressants, seem to delay ejaculation as a side effect. Thus, these medications are often used off-label for the treatment of PE.

2. Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors:

These agents help to treat complaints about erectile dysfunction, yet they can be indirectly utilized to achieve higher sexual endurance. It includes drugs such as sildenafil and tadalafil.

3. Tramadol:

Tramadol is another drug capable of delaying ejaculation. However, its use becomes less frequent due to undesirable side effects and the risk of developing dependency.

It is vital to consult a healthcare professional before taking any oral medications. As these medications may cause adverse effects and drug interactions.

1. Behavioral Techniques: Cultivating Control and Confidence

Behavioral techniques are integral to long-time sexual medicine. These techniques encourage control over ejaculation, along with enhancing the area’s former confidence. These techniques require practice and patience, thus yielding long-term results without medication.

2. Psychological Counseling: Addressing Emotional and Other Related Concerns

Psychological issues such as anxiety, stress, and relationship problems can become the reasons for sexual dysfunction in individuals. Counseling or therapy helps counsel these problems and improves confidence in sexual matters.

3. Lifestyle Changes: Supporting Health in General and Sexual Health

Living factors hold a lot of importance in sexual health. Regular exercises, well-adjusted diets, and proper amounts of sleep add up to health as a total. Hence, they also improve the efficiency of the sexual function by reducing stress. Not getting intoxicated by alcohol or drugs also helps in this regard.


It is crucial to consult a health expert for personalized advice and treatment before taking any medication for sexual enhancement. Long-term sexual medicine offers various options, with different people requiring a different effective one. A doctor will investigate possible underlying health conditions, prescribe suitable treatments, and guide the patient in lifestyle modifications.